The two would actually have kissed had it not been for Mr. Ship Tease: The episode is well-known for blatantly teasing that SpongeBob and Pearl apparently love each other.Scoring Points: Pearl shoots SpongeBob (who turned himself into a basketball) into the basket as a part of the Sponge dance, and scores 2 points for Home.SpongeBob appearing to freeze, only for him to walk in on the other side and reveal the other SpongeBob is a realistic dummy of himself.Sponge, being who he is, causes various hijinks to ensue to the point that they are eventually kicked out of the venue. The Prom Plot: SpongeBob ends up being a chaperone for Pearl to her prom after her boyfriend dumps her.Primp of Contempt: Squidward is shown filing his nails with Dreary Half-Lidded Eyes while Pearl is crying loudly about her date standing her up.Pet the Dog: When Spongebob begins bawling over Pearl's near-bawl, she goes to comfort him, then they dance together and get kicked out.Ocular Gushers: Pearl's tears flood the Krusty Krab.In the end, it is implied that the dummy SpongeBob is the one who went with Pearl. Krabs asks SpongeBob to take Pearl to her prom, but then the real SpongeBob appears and shows him the exact replica of himself he made, which is whom Krabs was talking to. Despite this, it's what gets the two kicked out of the prom. Misplaced Retribution: While SpongeBob and Pearl were responsible for all the damage that had been done prior, they didn't destroy anything during "Doing the Sponge", with the damage being done by the other students trying and failing to do the Sponge.Mind Screw: Was it SpongeBob's dummy that took Pearl to the prom? If it did, how did it move, talk, destroy things.?.Intelligible Unintelligible: Pearl is able to understand SpongeBob through his Inelegant Blubbering."Long, Tan and Handsome", is revealed to be a plain-looking geeky anchovy. Informed Attractiveness: Pearl's ex-boyfriend, Octavius Rex AKA Mr.High-School Dance: The story takes place during Pearl's prom, where SpongeBob leads the students in a dance routine, to disastrous results.Krabs! I am a prom expert! (bubble transition to SpongeBob sitting at home, sulking) Oh, Gary. Closed Door Rapport: Pearl consoles SpongeBob through the ladies room door when he locks himself inside.The first time he uses it is midway through Pearl's meltdown, then he uses it again at the end after taking Pearl home. Brick Joke: SpongeBob appearing to freeze, only for him to reveal it's a realistic wax dummy of himself.Pearl does this too, but with much less intensity and more so teenage angst at the very beginning of the episode.Ironically, he cried because he was trying to keep Pearl from crying. SpongeBob runs to the bathroom breaking into tears after he realizes he messed up the prom.Krabs yells at SpongeBob to "keep away from his precious little flower!" Then reveals that SpongeBob almost stepped on a literal sea flower. Black Comedy: It's implied that several people died as a result of doing the Sponge.Despite this, Pearl still had a good time and she and Mr. Bittersweet Ending: SpongeBob ruins the prom and gets him and Pearl kicked out.Bigger on the Inside: Arguably the high school.He just decided to be himself and do the Sponge, only to cause more chaos. SpongeBob realized that by pretending to be long, tan and handsome, he only caused a disaster. Be the Ball: The last seen part of the Sponge involves SpongeBob becoming a basketball that Pearl promptly grabs, dribbles and shoots into the gym hoop.Bathroom Stall of Angst: When SpongeBob realizes he has ruined Pearl's prom, he runs off crying and locks himself in the bathroom.Krabs threatens him to, "Keep away from me precious little flower!" He actually means the flower he planted on his front yard. Bait-and-Switch: When SpongeBob takes Pearl back home, an angry Mr.Even if a planned event goes horribly wrong, you can still make the best out of it and have fun anyway.Be patient with your escort they're doing the best they can.Actually Pretty Funny: SpongeBob is upset at having a hot dog land in Judy's hair, but Pearl thought it was pretty funny."Go wreck someone else's prom, will ya'?"Īfter his daughter gets stood up by her prom date, Mr.